Tveni is completely free to join! Joining lets you create a profile, upload photos, find new people in your area and chat to new people every day. If you want to get even more from your Tveni experience, you can boost your profile and meet even more people using our premium features, including Tveni Premium service.
Just a few. First of all, play nice. We want you to feel comfortable and express yourself, but if other users complain that you are rude, aggressive or threatening, we will take it very seriously.
Also, any content you post on your Tveni profile must comply with our terms and conditions and must not violate copyright rules. If you post pornographic, violent or otherwise offensive material, we will delete it and you may be banned from Tveni.
Learn more in our guidelines, terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Tveni is designed to be as intuitive as possible, but don't worry, we know that you might need a little help when learning your way round!
When you sign up for the first time please make sure that you add a good photo of yourself and write a little bit about you to show other users who you are.
People Nearby is the section where you can browse users in your city or region.
Tveni is free to use but if you want to stand out from the crowd go and check out our premium services such as credits and Tveni Premium.
Enjoy using Tveni!
All you need is a valid email address or social network account! Just tap on Continue with Facebook or on Other options, and then on Create an account and follow on screen instructions.
Tveni is a place for honest meetings.
Tveni is an online dating app where it pays to be real, no apologies. We fight the ambiguity of modern dating with authentic, unfiltered conversation. We believe that true connection is born from being honest about who you are and what you really want.
We bring social networking to life by allowing you to talk and connect with people with the same interests as you, find real connections near you, and meet people who like you as you do. You can also video chat anytime, anywhere.
We are much more than a dating app!