All of your photos and videos must comply with our Terms and Conditions and Guidelines or they might get removed. You shouldn’t post photos or videos that you don’t own, which break copyright. If you violate our Guidelines or Terms and Conditions, we may be forced to to delete your account.
If your photo has been moderated, it'll likely be due to one of the following reasons:
- Your photo has overlaid symbols or text.
- Your face is not visible enough in at least one photo for our preview window and thumbnail images.
- Photos of children on their own.
- Swimwear or underwear image indoors.
- You uploaded an erotic photo.
- Visible weapons.
- You have uploaded a photo of famous people.
If you would like to send a photo in chat to someone please follow the instructions below
- Tap on the Camera icon inside your conversation
- Choose where you would like to source your photo
- Select the photo you wish to send
- Tap on ‘Send’
It is currently not possible to rotate your photos. Please rotate your photos before uploading.
You can delete any photo from your profile by following the steps below.
Open your profile page
Tap the photo icon
Tap the gear icon on the photo in the top right corner
From the drop-down menu, select delete photo
To change your profile photo, open your profile page and tap the circle where your cover photo should be. You can also change your profile photo in your photo gallery by tapping the gear icon in the top right corner of your photo and selecting “create profile photo” from the drop-down menu.
To upload a photo, just open your profile page and tap the icon below that says photos.